





详细效果请前往 朋友圈 页面查看。

关于收藏栏的后端部分,这里采用的是Github+Supabase+Vercel的方案,另外配有缓存机制,首次进入页面调用云端数据库的数据,重新进入页面则调用本地缓存,缓存设有 1 天的有效期,过期后会自动拉取云端数据库以更新本地缓存。另外为实现多端同步,在收藏栏右上角设有刷新按钮,可以实现一键同步。收藏栏默认显示两行,多余部分折叠隐藏,可点击右上角按钮展开全部内容。


这个文章收藏是在友链朋友圈的基础上延伸出来的一个附加功能,所以基础是要先配置好友链朋友圈功能。朋友圈我是按照 官方文档 配置的,其中后端部分采用的是Github+Sqlite+Vercel的 无服务器部署 方式,前端部分采用的是 林木木 的方案。林木木的方案不带管理面板,如果需要更改设置的话,会比较麻烦,但优点是代码量少,简短易读,方便我二次修改。



Vercel 的 Integrations Marketplace 上提供有很多种数据库,其中 MongoDB Atlas 之前在部署 twikoo 评论的时候用过,Upstash 在配置个人网盘的时候用过,听群友推荐说 PlanetScale 和 Supabase 也不错。这里采用 Supabase 作为项目云端数据存储。


注册 Supabase 后进入 Dashboard,首先点击 New project 创建一个新的项目,设置项目名称和数据库密码,选择合适的地区,然后确认创建。整个创建过程有点长,需要耐心等待几十秒的时间。


创建完成会自动进入项目,页面左侧有一条纵向菜单栏,点击 Table Editor 可以对数据库进行可视化操作,点击 SQL Editor 可以进行命令行操作,这对于小白来说还是非常方便的。我们进入 Table Editor 点击 New table 创建一个新数据表(建议数据表名字设置为Subscribe),设置好表名、描述,最重要的是各列的参数配置,默认的 Column 有 id 和 created_at 两列,点击 Add column 新增几条参数,分别是 index、title、link、author、avatar、time 六个参数,参数类型均设置为 text,点击 save 保存。


进入数据表,点击 Insert 可以手动插入数据,因为是可视化界面,增删改查都十分直观。当然我们不需要在这里插入数据,而是要能够在外部调用它的增删改查能力。在左侧菜单栏中点击 API Docs 可以查看详细的使用方法,其中,Introduction 栏提供了初始化代码。

import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";
const supabaseUrl = "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxx.supabase.co";
const supabaseKey = process.env.SUPABASE_KEY;
const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey);

这里有两个重要参数supabaseUrl和supabaseKey,需要在设置里面查找。点击左侧菜单栏中的 Project Settings,点击 API 栏,其中 Project URL 即为 supabaseUrl,Project API keys 即为 supabaseKey。


回到 API Docs,在 Tables and Views 栏找到刚刚新建的表名,进入文档后可以看到详细的增删改查示例代码。



github 新建一个私有仓库,仓库内主要包含 3 个文件,内容如下。


注意这里 supabaseUrl 做了脱敏处理,要替换成自己的。

// 导入所需包和模块
const express = require("express");
require("dotenv").config(); // 导入 dotenv 并加载 .env 文件
const app = express();
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE");
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Authorization");
// 创建 Express 应用程序
const savedKey = process.env.KEY;
// 连接数据库
const { createClient } = require("@supabase/supabase-js");
const supabaseUrl = "https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.supabase.co";
const supabaseKey = process.env.SUPABASE_KEY;
const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseKey);
// 新增收藏
app.get("/subscribe", async (req, res) => {
try {
const key = req.query.key.toString();
const index = req.query.index.toString();
const title = req.query.title.toString();
const link = req.query.link.toString();
const author = req.query.author.toString();
const avatar = req.query.avatar.toString();
const time = req.query.time.toString();
if (key == savedKey) {
// 存入数据库
const { data: filterData, error: error1 } = await supabase
.eq("index", index);
if (error1) {
console.error("Error:", error1);
res.status(500).json({ code: "500", message: "查询失败", content: "" });
} else {
if (!filterData.length) {
const { data: createdData, error: error2 } = await supabase
index: index,
title: title,
link: link,
author: author,
avatar: avatar,
time: time,
if (error2) {
console.error("Error:", error2);
.json({ code: "500", message: "存储失败", content: "" });
} else {
console.log("Data stored successfully:", createdData[0]);
code: "200",
message: "存储成功",
content: createdData[0],
} else {
.json({ code: "402", message: "文章已存在", content: "" });
} else {
res.status(401).json({ code: "401", message: "密码错误", content: "" });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ error: "Internal Server Error" });
// 文章删除
app.get("/delsavedtitles", async (req, res) => {
try {
const key = req.query.key.toString();
const index = req.query.index.toString();
if (key == savedKey) {
const { data, error } = await supabase
.eq("index", index);
if (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
res.status(500).json({ code: "500", message: "删除失败", content: "" });
} else {
if (!data.length) {
.json({ code: "404", message: "未找到文章", content: data });
} else {
console.log("Data delete completely");
.json({ code: "200", message: "删除成功", content: data });
} else {
res.status(401).json({ code: "401", message: "密码错误", content: "" });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ error: "Internal Server Error" });
// 收藏文章查询
app.get("/getsavedtitles", async (req, res) => {
try {
const mode = req.query.mode.toString();
const column = req.query.column.toString();
const value = req.query.value.toString();
if (mode == "search") {
const { data: filterData, error } = await supabase
.eq(column, value);
if (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
res.status(404).json({ code: "404", message: "查询失败", content: "" });
} else {
console.log("Data serach completely:", filterData);
.json({ code: "200", message: "查询成功", content: filterData });
} else if (mode == "all") {
const { data: filterData, error } = await supabase
if (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
res.status(404).json({ code: "404", message: "查询失败", content: "" });
} else if (mode == "all") {
console.log("Data serach completely:", filterData);
.json({ code: "200", message: "查询成功", content: filterData });
} else {
res.status(401).json({ code: "401", message: "参数错误", content: "" });
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).json({ error: "Internal Server Error" });
// 启动服务器
const server = app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, () => {
const port = server.address().port;
console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);


"name": "projectname",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "Echo \"error: error\" && exit 1",
"start": "node index.js"
"author": "",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"axios": "^0.27.2",
"express": "^4.18.1",
"dotenv": "^8.2.0",
"@supabase/supabase-js": "^1.0.0"


注意 KEY 和 SUPABASE_KEY 要换成自己的,其中KEY为 SHA256 加密后的前端身份验证密码,SUPABASE_KEY为 Supabase 密钥

"version": 2,
"builds": [
"src": "./index.js",
"use": "@vercel/node"
"routes": [
"src": "/(.*)",
"dest": "/"
"env": {
"KEY": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"SUPABASE_KEY": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

仓库建好后,部署到 Vercel 上,在 Storage 栏进入 Integrations Marketplace 找到 Supabase,点击 Add Integration 将其添加进项目。然后就是配置自定义域名,自此后端配置完成。

如果vercel添加supabase storage出现错误,导致无法正常使用那么可以开启RLS功能





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Last Modified time : 20220326 15:38 by https://immmmm.com
已适配 FriendCircle 公共库和主库
var fdata = {
jsonurl: "",
apiurl: "",
apipublieurl: "https://moments.anxkj.top/", //默认公共库
initnumber: 24, //首次加载文章数
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article_sort: "created", //文章排序 updated or created
error_img: "https://www.anxkj.top/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/1702785694-c4ce86c69b4e15c246cd8eaf35db1c71-150x150.jpg",
if ("undefined" != typeof fdataUser)
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fdataUser[key] && (fdata[key] = fdataUser[key]);
var article_num = ""
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function loadStatistical(sdata) {
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friends_num = sdata.friends_num;
var messageBoard = `\n    <div id="cf-state" class="cf-new-add">\n      <div class="cf-state-data">\n        <div class="cf-data-friends" onclick="openToShow()">\n          <span class="cf-label">订阅</span>\n          <span class="cf-message">${sdata.friends_num}</span>\n        </div>\n        <div class="cf-data-active" onclick="changeEgg()">\n          <span class="cf-label">活跃</span>\n          <span class="cf-message">${sdata.active_num}</span>\n        </div>\n        <div class="cf-data-article" onclick="clearLocal()">\n          <span class="cf-label">日志</span>\n          <span class="cf-message">${sdata.article_num}</span>\n        </div>\n      </div>\n      <div id="cf-change">\n          <span id="cf-change-created" data-sort="created" onclick="changeSort(event)" class="${"created" == sortNow ? "cf-change-now" : ""}">Created</span> | <span id="cf-change-updated" data-sort="updated" onclick="changeSort(event)" class="${"updated" == sortNow ? "cf-change-now" : ""}" >Updated</span>\n      </div>\n    </div>\n    `
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if (end > article_num && (endFor = article_num),
start < article_num) {
for (var i = start; i < endFor; i++) {
var item = datalist[i], id;
articleItem += `\n        <div class="cf-article ${"cf-" + CryptoJS.MD5(item.link).toString()}">\n            <a class="cf-article-title" href="${item.link}" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" data-title="${item.title}">${item.title}</a>\n            <a class="cf-star" onclick="switchSecretInput(event)"><i class="fa fa-star"></i></a>\n            <div class="cf-article-avatar no-lightbox flink-item-icon">\n                <img class="cf-img-avatar avatar" src="${item.avatar}" alt="avatar" onerror="this.src='${fdata.error_img}'; this.onerror = null;">\n                <a onclick="openMeShow(event)" data-link="${item.link}" class="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" href="javascript:;"><span class="cf-article-author">${item.author}</span></a>\n            </div>\n            <span class="cf-article-time">\n                <span class="cf-time-created" style="${"created" == sortNow ? "" : "display:none"}">${item.created}</span>\n                <span class="cf-time-updated" style="${"updated" == sortNow ? "" : "display:none"}">${item.updated}</span>\n            </span>\n        </div>\n        `
container.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", articleItem),
null != savedArticlesIndex && checkStared(savedArticlesIndex),
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document.getElementById("cf-more").outerHTML = '<div id="cf-more" class="cf-new-add" onclick="loadNoArticle()"><small>一切皆有尽头!</small></div>'
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var item = articledata[i];
showHtml += `\n        <p><a class="cf-article-title"  href="${item.link}" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" data-title="${item.title}">${item.title}</a><span>${item.created}</span></p>\n      `
showHtml += "</div></div>",
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function fetchNextArticle() {
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, articleNum = article_num;
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start < articleNum) {
UrlNow = localStorage.getItem("urlNow");
var fetchUrl = UrlNow + "rule=" + sortNow + "&start=" + start + "&end=" + end;
var nextArticle = eval(json.article_data);
console.log("已预载?rule=" + sortNow + "&start=" + start + "&end=" + end),
localStorage.setItem("nextArticle", JSON.stringify(nextArticle))
} else
(start = articleNum) && (document.getElementById("cf-more").outerHTML = '<div id="cf-more" class="cf-new-add" onclick="loadNoArticle()"><small>一切皆有尽头!</small></div>')
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var item = nextArticle[i], id;
articleItem += `\n        <div class="cf-article ${"cf-" + CryptoJS.MD5(item.link).toString()}">\n            <a class="cf-article-title" href="${item.link}" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" data-title="${item.title}">${item.title}</a>\n            <a class="cf-star" onclick="switchSecretInput(event)"><i class="fa fa-star"></i></a>\n            <div class="cf-article-avatar no-lightbox flink-item-icon">\n                <img class="cf-img-avatar avatar" src="${item.avatar}" alt="avatar" onerror="this.src='${fdata.error_img}'; this.onerror = null;">\n                <a onclick="openMeShow(event)" data-link="${item.link}" class="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow" href="javascript:;"><span class="cf-article-author">${item.author}</span></a>\n            </div>\n            <span class="cf-article-time">\n                <span class="cf-time-created" style="${"created" == sortNow ? "" : "display:none"}">${item.created}</span>\n                <span class="cf-time-updated" style="${"updated" == sortNow ? "" : "display:none"}">${item.updated}</span>\n            </span>\n        </div>\n        `
container.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", articleItem),
null != savedArticlesIndex && checkStared(savedArticlesIndex),
function loadNoArticle() {
var articleSortData = sortNow + "ArticleData";
window.scrollTo(0, document.getElementsByClassName("cf-state").offsetTop)
function clearLocal() {
function checkVersion() {
var url = fdata.apiurl + "version";
var nowStatus = json.status
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, newVersion = json.latest_version
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versionID.innerHTML = 0 == nowStatus ? "当前版本:v" + nowVersion : 1 == nowStatus ? "发现新版本:v" + nowVersion + " ↦ " + newVersion : "网络错误,检测失败!"
function changeEgg() {
if (fdata.jsonurl || fdata.apiurl) {
container.innerHTML = "",
UrlNow = localStorage.getItem("urlNow");
var UrlNowPublic = fdata.apipublieurl + "all?";
UrlNow !== UrlNowPublic ? changeUrl = fdata.apipublieurl + "all?" : fdata.jsonurl ? changeUrl = fdata.apipublieurl + "postjson?jsonlink=" + fdata.jsonurl + "&" : fdata.apiurl && (changeUrl = fdata.apiurl + "all?"),
localStorage.setItem("urlNow", changeUrl),
FetchFriendCircle(sortNow, changeUrl)
} else
function FetchFriendCircle(sortNow, changeUrl) {
var end = fdata.initnumber
, fetchUrl = UrlNow + "rule=" + sortNow + "&start=0&end=" + end;
changeUrl && (fetchUrl = changeUrl + "rule=" + sortNow + "&start=0&end=" + end),
var statisticalData = json.statistical_data
, articleData = eval(json.article_data)
, articleSortData = sortNow + "ArticleData";
loadArticleItem(articleData, 0, end),
localStorage.setItem("statisticalData", JSON.stringify(statisticalData)),
localStorage.setItem(articleSortData, JSON.stringify(articleData))
function changeSort(event) {
sortNow = event.currentTarget.dataset.sort,
localStorage.setItem("sortNow", sortNow),
container.innerHTML = "",
changeUrl = localStorage.getItem("urlNow"),
initFriendCircle(sortNow, changeUrl),
fdata.apiurl && checkVersion()
function openMeShow(event) {
var parse_url = /^(?:([A-Za-z]+):)?(\/{0,3})([0-9.\-A-Za-z]+)(?::(\d+))?(?:\/([^?#]*))?(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?$/
, meLink = event.currentTarget.dataset.link.replace(parse_url, "$1:$2$3");
var fetchUrl = "";
fetchUrl = fdata.apiurl ? fdata.apiurl + "post?num=5&link=" + meLink : fdata.apipublieurl + "post?num=5&link=" + meLink,
"ok" == noClick && (noClick = "no",
function closeShow() {
document.getElementById("cf-overlay").className -= "cf-show-now",
document.getElementById("cf-overshow").className -= "cf-show-now",
document.getElementById("cf-overshow").innerHTML = ""
localSortNow && localUrlNow ? (sortNow = localSortNow,
UrlNow = localUrlNow) : (sortNow = fdata.article_sort,
UrlNow = fdata.jsonurl ? fdata.apipublieurl + "postjson?jsonlink=" + fdata.jsonurl + "&" : fdata.apiurl ? fdata.apiurl + "all?" : fdata.apipublieurl + "all?",
console.log("当前模式:" + UrlNow),
localStorage.setItem("urlNow", UrlNow),
localStorage.setItem("sortNow", sortNow));
var noClick = "ok";
function openToShow() {
var fetchUrl = "";
fetchUrl = fdata.apiurl ? fdata.apiurl + "post" : fdata.apipublieurl + "post",
"ok" == noClick && (noClick = "no",
function fetchShow(url) {
var closeHtml = '\n      <div class="cf-overshow-close" onclick="closeShow()"></div>\n    ';
document.getElementById("cf-overlay").className = "cf-show-now",
document.getElementById("cf-overshow").insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", closeHtml),
console.log("开往" + url),
noClick = "ok";
var statisticalData = json.statistical_data
, articleData = eval(json.article_data);
loadFcircleShow(statisticalData, articleData)
function initFriendCircle(sortNow, changeUrl) {
var articleSortData = sortNow + "ArticleData"
, localStatisticalData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("statisticalData"))
, localArticleData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(articleSortData));
if (container.innerHTML = "",
localStatisticalData && localArticleData) {
loadArticleItem(localArticleData, 0, fdata.initnumber),
var fetchUrl = UrlNow + "rule=" + sortNow + "&start=0&end=" + fdata.initnumber;
var statisticalData = json.statistical_data
, articleData = eval(json.article_data)
, localSnum = localStatisticalData.article_num
, newSnum = statisticalData.article_num
, localAtile = localArticleData[0].title
, newAtile = articleData[0].title;
if (localSnum !== newSnum || localAtile !== newAtile) {
container.innerHTML = "";
var articleSortData = sortNow + "ArticleData";
loadArticleItem(articleData, 0, fdata.initnumber),
localStorage.setItem("statisticalData", JSON.stringify(statisticalData)),
localStorage.setItem(articleSortData, JSON.stringify(articleData)),
} else
} else
FetchFriendCircle(sortNow, changeUrl),


    var fdataUser = {
apiurl: 'https://moments.anxkj.top/'
var article_index = '',
article_title = '',
article_link = '',
article_author = '',
article_avatar = '',
article_time = '',
article_pwd = '';
var savedArticlesIndex = '';
var catchNowTime = Date.now();
var updateTime = localStorage.getItem("updateTime");
updateTime == null || catchNowTime - updateTime < 86400000 ? null : localStorage.removeItem("savedArticles");//每隔1天刷新一次
var savedArticles = localStorage.getItem("savedArticles");
if (savedArticles != null) {
var savedArticlesJson = JSON.parse(savedArticles)
savedArticlesIndex = savedArticlesJson.map(item => item.index);
} else {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {
if (data.code == 200) {
savedArticles = data.content;
localStorage.setItem("updateTime", catchNowTime);
localStorage.setItem("savedArticles", JSON.stringify(savedArticles));
savedArticlesIndex = savedArticles.map(item => item.index);
} else {
.catch(error => {
console.error('获取收藏夹失败', error);
function checkStared(s) {
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
var j = document.querySelector("#cf-container ." + s[i] + " .cf-star");
if (j) {
j.classList.contains("saved") ? null : j.classList.add("saved");
function addArticleCard(a) {
var container = '';
for (let i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
var item = a[i];
container += `
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<div class="cf-article-avatar no-lightbox flink-item-icon">
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<a class="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span class="cf-article-author">${item.author}</span></a>
<span class="cf-article-time">
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article_index = '';
article_title = '';
article_link = '';
article_author = '';
article_avatar = '';
article_time = '';
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f.innerHTML = "移出收藏";
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f.innerHTML = "添加收藏";
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f.innerHTML = "移出收藏";
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f.innerHTML = "添加收藏";
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article_avatar = event.target.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector(".cf-article-avatar .cf-img-avatar").src;
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article_link = d.getAttribute("href");
article_index = "cf-" + CryptoJS.MD5(article_link).toString();
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: "https://sc.api.anxkj.top/subscribe?key=" + key + "&index=" + article_index + "&title=" + article_title + "&link=" + article_link + "&author=" + article_author + "&avatar=" + article_avatar + "&time=" + article_time;
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<div class="cf-article-avatar no-lightbox flink-item-icon">
<img class="cf-img-avatar avatar" src="${article_avatar}" alt="avatar" onerror="this.src=''; this.onerror = null;">
<a class="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><span class="cf-article-author">${article_author}</span></a>
<span class="cf-article-time">
<span class="cf-time-created">${article_time}</span>
document.getElementById("cf-saved-post").insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', container);
tools.showMessage(data.message, "success", 2);
document.querySelector("#fcircleInputBox .btn.close").click();
} else {
tools.showMessage(data.message, "error", 2);
document.querySelector("#fcircleInputBox .btn.close").click();
.catch(error => {
console.error('收藏失败:', error);
function foldSavedArticles(event) {
var a = document.getElementById("cf-saved-post")
var b = event.target.parentElement.querySelector("i")
if (b.style.transform == "rotate(180deg)") {
a.style.maxHeight = "240px"
b.style.transform = ""
} else {
a.style.maxHeight = typeof savedArticlesIndex != 'undefined' ? (savedArticlesIndex.length * 130 - 20) + "px" : "fit-content"
b.style.transform = "rotate(180deg)"


2024.02.12 20:12
  • 修复图标无法显示
  • 修复弹窗无法显示
  • 修复无法收藏
  • 修复朋友圈api与收藏api冲突
2024.02.12 17:00


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